Precast Storm Manholes

Storm Manholes –Manholes are cylindrical hollow concrete structures typically installed vertically below grade. Manholes are capped at street level with a round cast iron cover. They are placed at vault openings or pipe junctions and provide maintenance and inspection access to underground piping systems.
The Precast Company manufactures storm water manholes with various components for use in different applications. Our manholes meet ASTM C 478 specifications, AASHTO HS-20 live load criteria, and NPCA & ACPA certifications. Our engineering team is available to help with custom sizes and designs.
Manhole components include:
- Base Unit
- Riser Sections
- Concentric/Eccentric/Slab Tops
- Grade Rings
- Cast Iron Ring/Cover
Storm Manholes
Storm Manholes
Storm Water Manholes – Our storm water manhole structures are engineered and manufactured in a variety of styles and sizes to meet state/local standards. Manhole components such as bases, inverts, risers, cones, slab tops, knock-outs or block-outs can be customized as needed.
We manufacture standard manholes to meet city & county specifications as required including:
- Water piping access
- Electrical piping access
- Roadways
- Parking lots
- Pedestrian and multi-use paths
Manhole Components
Manhole Components
Manhole Components – Manhole structures are an assembly of various components, such as base units, risers, slab tops, cone risers, and grade rings, which are then capped at street level with a round cast iron cover.
Manhole components include:
- Base Unit
- Riser Sections
- Concentric/Eccentric/Slab Tops
- Grade Rings
- Cast Iron Ring/Cover
We manufacture standard manhole components to meet city & county specifications as required including:
We Are Precast
We are driven to provide quality engineered precast solutions that work.